Media Training & Message Building

How do you get your story heard? In a way people connect with? While staying close to your organisation’s goals? That’s a huge challenge. So let me help. I’m Laura Shields, and I will train you and your team to find your red thread.


online & in person

Message Training

Want to make an impact? Then you need clear, strong messages. Sticky messages. My interactive training will teach you the key principles of messages that resonate and persuade.

How does it work? →

Media Training

Do you need to talk to journalists? Then you had better know how they think, so that you give them a good story and stay in control. As a former journalist I help train you for any kind of interview.

How does it work? →

Public Speaking

Are PowerPoints, pitches and panels part of your work? Then you need to understand structure, delivery and body language. My practical training will make you confident and compelling.

How does it work? →

Latest blog posts

18 Apr

Why is it so hard to prep a CEO for a media interview? What should be a highly…

30 Jan

It’s a cruel trick of the nervous system that even well prepared, experienced speakers get stressed ahead of an event.

07 Nov

“It’s THREE, not f***ing 300 !” If you’ve ever watched Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, you’ll be familiar with the expletive-fuelled…