I’ve just finished training a bunch of junior lobbyists on how to quickly scan EU policy documents and pull out the…
Key points from this blog It is hard for public affairs messages to cut through in Brussels. It is hard for public affairs messages to cut through in Brussels.
Good public policy messages should be clear, constructive and compelling. In an ideal world they should form a coherent…
A longer version of this article features in my forthcoming book about how to improve messaging in the Brussels Bubble.
This blog is an excerpt of the book I am currently writing about how to improve messaging in and around the EU…
Does personalisation have a place in EU policy communications? People who love it think it humanises dry, technical material.…
It feels a bit cheap to be complaining about EU policy jargon AGAIN but I do think communications throughout the Brussels bubble would get a…
Shortly after the Brexit referendum my mother and I had a conversation about the reasons why people we knew had voted to…