12 Mar

EuroPCom session report – Power and perils of narrativesI was invited to be on a panel about…

10 Jan

“I think that first engagement was out of anger, honestly. There was this egoistic element, this wish to clarify things. But then it was…

03 Oct

Last week, a  few tweets (some of them angry)  got me thinking about how important it is…

25 Sep

I recently coached one of the most effective lobbyists I’ve ever encountered. Or at least, I presume he’s effective, given the sophistication of his…

04 Mar

Last Thursday I was on Euronews’ Raw Politics show talking about ‘strong men’ and communications tactics for responding to the Putins, Orbans, Trumps and…

22 Feb

These are weird times and strange things are happening – like politicians shutting up and listening. In France, President Macron has been seen listening…